The Dark Tower
There were a lot of complaints
about this one. I read the book and I personally believe this was the
best book written by Stephen King. Down the years ,there has a been a lot of
talk of the possibility of a movie being made based on this book, and
my friends and I used to talk about who could possibly play the role of the
gunslinger and not once did we ever think of the gun slinger as a black dude.
Maybe that’s one area the
movie makers got it wrong but personally I felt the problem was a lack of
time to develop the characters and the story line well enough. It just
felt empty. I remember even now the deep emotions raised in me by the novel but
not once did I feel that way watching the movie.
Was it the directors fault?
The cast director? Or the script writer?
I don’t know but for the sake
of we the fans, this movie should be done again or the sequel should make
amends because this book is in the realms of the “Lord of the rings “,”Harry
potter”, Ian Fleming’s "007”, to just go down like that.
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